Monday, June 29, 2009


a few of the teens i have been working with recently went to a conference in Louisiana with a church here in hopkinsville and one of the girls that went accepted Christ for the 1st time her name is porshe. She was so on fire and excited about Jesus then she had to go home. she lives in a house with her mom and her moms boyfriend who is abusive. she was sitting in my living room today crying because she didnt want to go home. because her moms boyfriend and her got into a fight i cant begin to explain the pain in her life as i saw today as she broke down on my couch. she struggles with alot of depression and other issues that are often tied to this for teen girls. She is a precious girl that wants to live for christ but it is so hard for her in her situation. my roommate and i have been praying alot about how we can minister to these kids in their situations because we cant take them out of it and we dont know all the answers but please be praying for kids like porshe who really have a desire to live for God but there is nothing in their lives directing them in that way and pray that we would have the wisdom to know how to minister effectively to the kids! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So, Ive been here for just over a week and ive been getting settled in and i have enjoyed my time and the people i have been meeting. i have started a bible study with 4 soon to be 5 teenagers from a housing complex near my house. all new believers! One of the girls is a girl we are   Working with a teen girl who is in the Juvenile system. this is her last chance or she goes to a facility till she is 18. we are having her participate in the bible study tuesday night, YMCA teen night, Charm School with the PO's office and community service if she doesn't comply with these we have to notify her PO and she will go to a facility. Pray that she would show maturity and responsibility last thing we want to have to do is report her!
i am currently look for a part time job either at the mental health hospital here in town or at a crisis pregnancy center called alpha alternative that teaches sex education in the public schools. currently praying that God would show me what job he wants me to take. Thanks for your support and prayers!