Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Block Party

The Block Party was a HUGE success even with all the curve balls satan tried to through at us!! We had 310 people there plus volunteers. Each person who was there got to hear how special they are in the eyes of God and they were ministered to by song and speaking. Thank you to everyone who prayed for the day and gave up time to come out and help!

Friday, August 14, 2009

check out the video~

Thursday, August 13, 2009

sorry 2 long!

Hey its been a while i have been busy trying to get stuff done here...My Housemate and i are working hard at trying to get a community resource block party together for september 19th!! i am very excited about this! we are trying to get community organizations and churches to come set up booths and bring their resources to our community and also to give christians a chance to serve!! so far it has been successful the church i attend is helping with getting Brotha Tone a christian rapper come and perform and give his testimony and bring the gospel into our neighborhood!! i am so excited God is all over this event and i know he is going to use this event to bring people to Him or plant a seed we can water later! 

i have also been meeting more people in my neighborhood and i have gone to churches to see if people would volunteer to do mentoring groups with 2-3 kids of the same gender from my neighborhood 1 hour 1 time a week keep praying that God would open their hearts and they would jump at the opportunity to make disciples!! 

Also keep my fundraising in your prayers this has been a rough part but i know God will help me my goal is to have 40 people supporting me 20$ a month! 

i have also found a part time job working with the YMCA outreach they work with kids from the Housing Authority and do after school programs at a church across from one of the housing projects 4 days a week and we are in a school doing tutoring and teaching the Word of God to the kids! i just started this week and it has been a blessing already i love working with kids and it is awesome to be able to not only effect them spiritually but encourage their studies! Pray that we could get more teens to come and be involved! 

Thanks to all of you for your prayer support! feel free to contact me if you have anymore questions about what i am doing here in Hopkinsville!! 

Monday, June 29, 2009


a few of the teens i have been working with recently went to a conference in Louisiana with a church here in hopkinsville and one of the girls that went accepted Christ for the 1st time her name is porshe. She was so on fire and excited about Jesus then she had to go home. she lives in a house with her mom and her moms boyfriend who is abusive. she was sitting in my living room today crying because she didnt want to go home. because her moms boyfriend and her got into a fight i cant begin to explain the pain in her life as i saw today as she broke down on my couch. she struggles with alot of depression and other issues that are often tied to this for teen girls. She is a precious girl that wants to live for christ but it is so hard for her in her situation. my roommate and i have been praying alot about how we can minister to these kids in their situations because we cant take them out of it and we dont know all the answers but please be praying for kids like porshe who really have a desire to live for God but there is nothing in their lives directing them in that way and pray that we would have the wisdom to know how to minister effectively to the kids! 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So, Ive been here for just over a week and ive been getting settled in and i have enjoyed my time and the people i have been meeting. i have started a bible study with 4 soon to be 5 teenagers from a housing complex near my house. all new believers! One of the girls is a girl we are   Working with a teen girl who is in the Juvenile system. this is her last chance or she goes to a facility till she is 18. we are having her participate in the bible study tuesday night, YMCA teen night, Charm School with the PO's office and community service if she doesn't comply with these we have to notify her PO and she will go to a facility. Pray that she would show maturity and responsibility last thing we want to have to do is report her!
i am currently look for a part time job either at the mental health hospital here in town or at a crisis pregnancy center called alpha alternative that teaches sex education in the public schools. currently praying that God would show me what job he wants me to take. Thanks for your support and prayers!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Dreamer

I went to New Covenant Worship Center today for church and there was a guest speaker from Texas who spoke at the YFC conference the night before his name was Gilbert. Pastor Luther told him to act like he was at home and he came from a small Pentecostal church and he definitely felt at home sometimes we need to hear a different preacher. He preached on Genesis 37 and Joseph and being a dreamer. He described the place where he knew God gave him his dream and pastor luthers for the church. he encouraged us to go back to the place where GOd gave us our dream and recapture it. as you get older it is easy to loose the dreaming side of you.
He said "how do you know its GOds dream...this is how you dont have enough money or ability or anything for it!" This is so true Moses when he was called he didnt think he had the skill to dead his people out of slavery but he did it because God told him to do it. Gilbert said everything will try to get you down yourself your family your society. but you have to stand up for the dream that God gave you and fight for it. the closer you get to your dream the harder satan will fight you. Words cannot kill the destiny of God in your life. he also said sometimes "better" things had come along for him but God said no you are where you should be he said "there is always Good when God intends for the BEST!" read that as much as you need to to let it sink in!

this service was more charasmatic than i am used to and prophesies and tongues were spoken but as over half the santuary went to the alter to reclaim their dreams and completely broken i knew it was more genuine than any other service like it had been to!i watched pastors pray over people as they cried out to God and i saw GOd in a new light today. sometimes we like to put GOd in our culturally acceptable box and i think GOd likes to move in big ways like he did today at New Covenant! I thank GOd for not letting me put him in my box today! i loved it i left feeling the spirit of the Lord in a new way! it was a church service i will remember!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

overwhelming refreshment

i went home this weekend with a few missions in mind #1 finding anthony kell and ana and going to the chiro! well i arrived at the youth center around 4ish on friday after school to find kids playing basketball and rock band and hangin out! not a shock at the RIYC later that night i knew there would be a 5-6th grade club there "friday night FLAVA" and i heard that anthony was seen at school that day so i went home to unpack and hang out with family when i got a call hey anthony is hear tonight and you should go surprise him!! i was so on that! i walked in during message time and saw him and immediately a huge smile crossed both our faces!! i walked to the back and assumed my role of keeping kids quiet and i just looked out over the crowd of kids listening intently to this "cheesy" christian movie about heaven and hell and i looked at familiar faces and thought of all the memories i have had with so many of these kids the past 2 years! and the feeling was so overwhelming i was so refreshed to be in the place where i discovered my passion and GOd really grew my heart for the inner city in a huge way!!

after the message i looked up after prayer and kids darted to the gym to play ball and some stayed to pray and anthony in the front row hadnt moved so i went to talk to him and hug him cuz hes my boy!! and he was crying...this 10 year old boy was so overwhelmed by emotion that his mom and brothers and sister might not go to heaven with him he was brought to tears! mind you this is the kid who has raised his siblings and was living with another family because of homelessness (story described in previous blogs) i couldnt believe it so i prayed with him both of us tears streaming down our faces discussing what it meant when he accepted Christ in the back seat of my car and how that can never be taken away from him no matter what he does God will always love him and he is Gods son! as i sat and thought about how God used this very child to bring me to my knees and submit my future and my calling to Him i was so overwhelmed

i remember sitting in that very room wrestling with God about my future and really releasing my life to him and submitting to his will for me in that very room i prayed with Anthony that night...i remember discussions with brandy about how she knew i wasnt going to do anything but inner city ministry and i fought it and fought it (i am stubborn)

Even though God might want me somewhere else i know that i can always go back and feel the same way i did when i finally surrendered my will to God and the RIYC is always in my heart

i thank you GOd for times of refreshment and reflection of why i am where i am in life i thank you so much for anthony and kell and ana and all the other kids that have influenced my life in Rock Island i thank you so much for bringing them back and them being safe i pray that you would protect all the kids at CF physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. be with them and move in the Rock Island Youth Center in a mighty way!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

kids update

i received some sad news the other day about the kids in the previous blogs...brandy recently talked to a school administrator and said that anthony kell and arianna have not been back in school since the last time i dropped them off before christmas. there is no evidence they are in school in chicago either i hope and pray that they are safe i hope that all who read this will continue to have them in your prayers! thanks!